The Most Disruptive Molecule in Medicine Today

Alex Koyfman

Posted September 21, 2017

Personally, I love a good chart. 

There’s nothing like a well-designed infographic to put relevant data into the proper context and illustrate a point. 

One of the best and most telling charts I’ve seen in the last few weeks is pictured below. 


As you can see, this chart tracks the rate of pill prescription in states where cannabis has been cleared to use as an alternative medical treatment for some of the most common physical and psychological conditions. 

The difference is stark, especially when taking into account that the first item on the list not only shows the biggest disparity but also pertains to a class of drug now responsible for a growing epidemic sweeping the nation: opioid abuse.

Just as the Car Put an End to the Horse and Carriage…

The primary lesson behind this chart is that in markets where cannabis-based treatment is available, traditional pharmaceuticals lose out, decidedly. 

And the primary takeaway is that cannabis, even in these early stages of research and development within the mainstream pharmaceutical industry, has already distinguished itself as a major force…

Perhaps the strongest single force, in fact, since the advent of modern antibiotics in the first half of the 20th century. 

Unfortunately, up until very recently, legislation, as well as carefully trained public opinion, prevented tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — the active ingredient in cannabis — from being the focus of legal scientific research. 

I won’t go into detail as to why there was a very active propaganda campaign against the plant back in the ’20s and ’30s, but, suffice it to say, the basis was purely political.

The result was that up until virtually the late 1990s, THC and its parent plant were completely off-limits to scientific research… a sad fact considering how much mere decriminalization of the raw plant itself could have helped a wide spectrum of potential users. 

Today, however, we’re making up for lost time.

70 Years Wasted? More Like 70 Years of Build-Up

So much so that the current trend to reform prohibition has sparked an unprecedented bull market in all things cannabis-related, from the most serious of medical research right on down to the sale of paraphernalia used in recreational consumption. 

Here is another chart, to put a visual to that fact. 


That’s no mistake, folks — what you’re looking at is a 23x market expansion, by dollar value, over 14 years, with similar growth in the consumer pool as well. 

I’m hard-pressed to come up with anything that’s grown that much, that fast in recent history… except for one other technological sector: the internet. 

A world-altering technological revolution, the rise of the internet changed the face of the economy in just about every aspect. 

This third and final chart shows the growth in the internet market, in terms of users, between the early 1990s and 2014. 


A 23x (2,300%) improvement in overall users took place, roughly between 1997 and 2014, as the total global population of internet users went from about 150 million to 3 billion. 

That growth propelled Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) from a share price of $1.54 in 1997 to $967 today.

And yet this historic rise still lags behind performance projections for the newly awakened cannabis market, which will accomplish the same degree of growth in three fewer years. 

Of course, there are still plenty fighting the changes, but, as countless lessons in the adoption of new technology have shown, this hesitation is only temporary.

It’s Not Just for Fun Anymore

Today, cannabis is more than just something the bad kids at your children’s school do while cutting class. 

It’s the raw material in more products than I can list here, including some of today’s most cutting-edge and promising pharmaceutical agents. 

Medicines designed to combat diseases that medical science had previously dismissed as “untreatable” are now opening doors to possibilities never before imagined. 

In fact, the potential is very real that by the year 2030, diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s will have been defeated with THC-derived medicines…

Medicines that, just a few decades ago, would have been invalidated by legislation before their potential could be unlocked. 

This Is Still Just the Start

If you think cannabis and cannabinoid products are a hot topic today, you haven’t seen anything yet. 

Conservatively speaking, this market still has a 15x (1,500%) expansion to achieve before any sort of plateau is to be expected. 

That means it’s not too late to be on the ground floor as this industry goes mainstream. 

Remember, there are still dozens of states left to reform their prohibitive legislation, which means there are dozens of built-in catalysts just waiting to be realized. 

And, of course, the ultimate outcome — federal deregulation — can and will take hold, probably within the next decade if not sooner. 

After almost 20 years in the investment business, I have to say I’ve never seen anything quite like it. 

I’ve never seen stocks move so fast or progress made this rapidly in the development of new enterprises and products. 

That said, with all the interest in the sector, one thing is inevitable: there will be far more choices than legitimate investment ideas. 

It’s a problem commonly associated with aggressively growing markets, and one that must be endured until the natural selection process filters out all the duds. 

Having seen plenty of duds in my career, I decided to take a bite out of this as early as possible.

And so I recently drafted a report, detailing what I think are three of the most prospective plays in the cannabis industry today. 

The three companies cover a broad range of products, ranging from THC-derived medicines to dispensers for recreational product. 

It’s almost like a mini ETF for cannabis stocks, and the long-term potential is off the charts. 

To access that report immediately, click here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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